The Lionhearted

There is power in the collective. You are definitely an individual, but you also play brilliantly with others, and you love the idea of joining other like-minded leaders, professionals, accomplished entrepreneurs, creatives and courageous souls on a powerful shared journey.

When you long for more meaning, more depth and more satisfaction AND you want to build on your accomplishments in a sustainable way...

You are ready to declare, “I’m raising the standards for my life.”

You’re deciding that, from now on, you will have better boundaries, you will be treated with more respect, and you will no longer settle for scraps and crumbs. You will no longer allow your energy, time and peace of mind to be compromised. It’s time to increase your capacity to be present, build on your achievements your way, and live a liberated authentic life.

These are self-loving and powerful decisions. 

Join The Lionhearted and experience The Sovereign Way to establish your sovereignty, bring success and wealth into your life in bountiful ways, and help you reconnect with who you truly are.

It is life changing, delightful work.


When you long for more meaning, more depth and more satisfaction AND you want to build on your accomplishments in a sustainable way.

You have the desire. You have the vision. You have already experienced success. And now you crave something more than dry business coaching, spiritual work (that never seems to have a lasting impact), high-level performance work, or the next same-same mastermind. You are well beyond that. 

You want to set your spirit free, heal what needs to be healed, honor the deep call to become all you can be, and do your greatest work in this lifetime.

The Lionhearted will support you to become the most glorious version of yourself. More Sovereign. Lionhearted. Limitless. With an Unstoppable Spirit and ways to translate what you learn into real world actions for elevated success and achievements.

And when challenges arise — and they almost inevitably do when you are on the rise –  criticism, rejection, financial setbacks, family or relationship drama, boundary breaches, chaotic situations — you will develop the skills to clear these boulders from your path, swiftly, and easily, as if they are weightless. Nothing will block your way…

In The Lionhearted you will access knowledge and activations that will help you…

Stop putting up with situations that are “just okay” in your life and work, because essentially settling for “less than” is spiritual torture.

Stop tolerating mistreatment and disrespect and raise your life to a higher standard.

Become clear and discerning about what (and who) you want in your life, and what you truly desire.

Continue elevating your leadership, building your achievements AND being your compassionate, empathetic, and generous self, but without losing energy in the process.

Set energetic and pragmatic boundaries to protect yourself and your time, money, and other precious resources and learn how to effortlessly enforce the boundaries you’ve set, because an un-enforced boundary is no boundary at all.

 Practice living in your full and beautiful authority so it no longer feels “difficult” or “uncomfortable”, but rather embedded deeply in the fabric of your being.

You will have support for every aspect of who you are; mind, body, emotions, spirit/energy, and for what you want to achieve through your work. 

Learn how to clear obstacles that seem to constantly get in the way, not by forcing your way through, but by finding your way through.

Grow your capacity to work with challenging situations, build greater resilience, and bounce back from difficulties more quickly.

Learn how you can open the way to let more goodness into your life; opportunities, money, connection anything you would like to cultivate.

Learn energy techniques to expand your capacity for growth and re-set your system after experiencing a setback or disruption, so you can get back on your path much faster. So that any “drama” only knocks the wind out of your sails for a couple of minutes, instead of one week or one month!

Bring your dreams to you, swiftly. 

As you immerse yourself in The Lionhearted, blocks are removed, ice thaws, channels open, things begin to flow rapidly, and suddenly, that “ambitious goal” that seemed very “far away” becomes much closer. 

You thought it would take 1 or 2 years to achieve, and suddenly it’s here now.

That future you envision for yourself will materialize in a far shorter period of time than you thought possible. 

This is the holistic, broad spectrum, support you have been looking for…


“ I have tried all kinds of ways to feel truly comfortable leading my company, but this work finally cracked the code. I can lead with more confidence, be around the people I have to be around and not get drained or exhausted anymore. That is such a gift. ”


The Sovereign Way will create the foundation for long-lasting change and help you claim your personal authority, agency and your work and in the fullness of your life.

As you find yourself with more demands on your time and attention (in your business, in your relationships and in your everyday) it is all too easy to become overwhelmed, uncomfortable or unsure of yourself as you take on more responsibility, make changes and move into a new ways of being. And it is easy to get distracted and slip back into old habits…

The journey to your sovereignty is made up of a myriad small moves, shining steps, and powerful leaps.  This intimate dance is a journey unique to you, but know this—every move carries with it a gift, every step carries wisdom, and every leap, no matter how small or how large, paves the way for the beauty of positive change for you and for the world.

The Sovereign Way will take you into the beauty and gracious power of your sovereignty and trigger transformation in your life and work.


“Philippa has a unique blend of extraordinary gifts and talents that will open your eyes to your inner world, clear blocks, open doors and help you step into your vision with grace. She will be with you every step of the way. ”