Meet Philippa,

I know when you activate new levels of awareness, access your authentic power, and make choices from a place of sovereignty – obstacles dissolve and solutions to life's greatest challenges emerge effortlessly – this is The Sovereign Way.

I am the creator of The Sovereign Way and Leader of The Lionhearted. Founder of The Sovereignty Consciousness Movement. Mentor and Spiritual Advisor to Business Leaders, Accomplished Creatives, Entrepreneurs and Courageous Souls worldwide.  

I bring something very different into a world of beige business-like conformity.

I was born knowing…

Even as a child I had the ability to intuit the needs of others and see solutions to complex problems. As a young teenager,  adults would gravitate to me, open up and share their troubles and ambitions. They would always leave feeling better and more on track. Being in the moment, listening and sharing insights was as natural as breathing. I was born to be a mentor, advisor, healer and coach.

And yet that part of me was silenced for a long time. My family taught me to fear the depth of my gifts and talents. They shut me down and I ended up exhausted, stressed and living an edited life. And it was no way to live.

I left home at a young age, escaping from the chaos, and over time allowed my natural connection to the divine to re-establish and deepen. I released my fear and cultivated my ability to access, work with, and translate inner work, spiritual work and self awareness into aligned action and next level achievements. It is ironic that all the natural skills and talents that were so feared, and maligned became the cornerstone of The Sovereign Way. 

Today I help people liberate themselves, do their greatest work, and become the sovereign rulers over their own lives.

It is time to honor the call to become the highest vibration of yourself – the most sovereign, fulfilled, glorious and fully realized version of you–and have a greater impact in the world.

This is the call I have been hearing all my life. It has tugged at my heart ever since I can remember, maybe not in these exact words, but always as a deep and abiding desire to make a difference in the world, to understand myself (others and humanity), to look deeply into the connections between all things – and live a full, glorious and meaningful life–sovereign, loving and free.

All the paths I have travelled, all of life’s roller coasters, all the experiences, and all the time and energy following my curiosity and intuition have brought me to this moment. I feel truly blessed to share with you The Sovereign Way, and offer my presence and my expertise to accelerate personal, professional and spiritual evolution, and to help create the change we want to see in the world. 

I know that our world cannot afford to have good people like you failing to share your greatest gifts, your greatest work and your greatest wisdom.

I have seen it again and again, when you are out of step with your sovereignty it opens the door to frustration, unease, and an inexplicable sense of being incomplete. They become constant companions. There is doubt. There is worry. There is confusion. There is lying awake at night haunted by existential questions, and there is constant second-guessing. It hijacks you.

Even if you are doing well. Even if you are successful. Even if you accomplish a great deal, you never feel quite whole, confident, powerful, or completely on track. Your energy levels, your health and enthusiasm can suffer.

You know something important is missing, but you cannot quite put your finger on what this is – and not knowing – ignoring it – this has stopped being an option. The symptoms keep showing up in every aspect of your life, preventing you from really enjoying yourself, your relationships, and your success.

The Sovereign Way is a methodology and philosophy for accelerating personal, professional and spiritual evolution, created out of a lifetime of personal experience, education, deep work with hundreds of clients, and receptivity to divine inspiration.

As you engage in this work you gain new levels of self awareness and then the true genius, the limitless potential, and the truth of who you are is revealed; you gain access to your deepest wisdom and most profound gifts, and your greatest work can be birthed with ease and grace. This is The Sovereign Way.

Do you want to know more?

Praise From Clients

“The work we have done together is paying off in so many amazing ways in life and in my work. It is such a gift. Thank you. I am finally really clear and positive about the future. You have contributed significantly to that, and I am so grateful to you. I feel like a fog has lifted and I can see more clearly and now I can take steps with more grace and confidence.”
Susan / Victoria, Canada
“After every session with Philippa my creativity flows. All the blocks just dissolve, and everything feels so easy and natural.”
"Philippa can see options, perspectives and possibilities I never imagined for myself."
MARK / California, USA
"If you get the chance, work with Philippa, it is a unique, life changing experience."
"Just being in her presence and in her energy started to shift things in ways I never expected. I felt seen and loved and my desire for growth and expansion were met with belief and encouragement. I found my time with Philippa to be revelatory, profound and surprisingly delightful. She weaves deep, energetic and spiritual work with practical solutions in ways that helped me feel powerful and positive. Obstacles and concerns seemed to simply dematerialize. It was like magic. I am so happy I made the commitment to work with you. It has changed my life and supported my business in profound ways.
Bianca / New York, USA
“Philippa does not let you lose sight of your vision in those moments when you have doubts or fears. She is not afraid of my dark or my bigness. She opened the way to a big bold beautiful business and helped me become stronger and more courageous.”
Pam / Virginia, USA
“Our sessions together opened my eyes to who I am deep down, to what I really want to achieve in my life and to how I want my work to evolve. I was able to make clear and beautiful next steps.”
Lyndall Mitchell / Melbourne, Australia
“Working with you is such a beautiful and profound experience. Your lightness of being and healing gifts have diminished old fears, dissolved blocks and breathed fresh air into my life and my work.”
Mindy / Colorado, USA
“Philippa has a unique blend of extraordinary gifts and talents that will open your eyes to your inner world, clear blocks, open doors and help you step into your vision with grace. She will be with you every step of the way.”
Bella / Florida, USA
"I have spent a lot of money and time on coaching over the years and it has been useful…but nothing compares to what I experience with you. You have some kind of superpower perception and you always know exactly what I need, and how to help me plot the course to what I want to achieve next."
GEORGINA / california, USA