In the silence –
Between each thought.
In the stillness between one action
And the next,
Exist moments
Of sacred integration.
This is where wisdom,
like the reaching tendril of a
growing vine
Seeks the light.
Stillness offers
Armchair rest and
Whispers of enlightenment.
Within the action of slowing
The action of awareness
and worth
and joy.
It is the stillness
That home place
Within the heart and soul that
Even in the wild tarantella,
The pounding tango,
The thundering of drums
And the thrum of the world
As it moves through
Each night, Each day, Each night.
That holds us in a state
Of knowing.
In that place of no-time
When so absorbed
In the being
Of life
The doing itself
Becomes a stillness
A meditation
A prayer to all that is
And all that will be
It is the stillness
Of coming home to yourself
Of comfort and harmony
With purpose and love
And the true works of the heart.
That magnet like draws
The scattered parts
Of who you are
And who you will be
And holds them up
For you to see.
So when you meet them
You will know
What serves and what is dust.
This stillness does not require
A ceasation in action
To enter a void
To sit in solitude
This stillness beats with the puslse of the universe
And in this space words come,
love comes,
understanding and wisdom come
And reach for the light.
It is the centering stillness of knowing
Of sensing
Of listening to the voice within
Without intemediary
Without translation.
It speaks the language soul
And understanding
That you, yes you,
The very essence of you is beautiful.
In this wholeness
Of stillness
Of knowing
Of breathing
And moving
And simply being
There is also silence.
The energy of silence.
No interference from the world
No infiltrations
No tap tap tap
Of obligations, expectations
And other people’s needs.
This is the silence and peace of being
It is the silenece
Of the spaces in between
Where exists the moments of possibility
Yet unfathomed
In the stillness of wholeness
In the silence of possibility
Step lightly forward
And out of the stillness
Out of the steadiness
Out of your being.
The knowing begins.
And out of the silence
Out of the peace
Out of your being
Your soul will speak to you
Of what is
Of what can be
And passes to you
The seed
of what next.
In the silence
Between each thought
In the stillness between one action
And the next
Exist moments
Of sacred integration
This is where wisdom
like a reaching tendril of a
growing vine
Finds the light.
Love Philippa