Changing Your Reality

by Philippa Rowlands

Changing Your Reality


It sometimes feels like you just want to unzip the reality you are living in now and let it drop away behind you…

Because right now you know you are not living in the world you want for yourself, your loved ones, the people of this planet and all living things.

Perhaps you also know deep down you are not living into your potential, or into your vision, your deepest intentions, or following the persistent call that tugs at your heart to make a difference in the world.

So, you are filled with longing, dissatisfaction and frustration…

You would love to take off this reality like old worn-out clothing and step into evening wear or something gorgeously comfortable and stylish that feels just like you…

You would love to step into the world renewed…more powerful, more glorious, more wealthy, happier, more courageous…and have more of an impact.

But somehow it never really happens…it is not for want of trying…but you never really get to be the inspiring, radiant sovereign leader in your life and in your business that you envision…

And it is breaking your heart to be constantly in this old holding pattern. You know what you want, but you are stuck.


So, what is happening?

It is likely you have reached your present capacity for change, for leadership, for money for attraction, for growth…

It is quite likely you are buying into outdated conservative and hierarchical models (or thinking)…that pervading soup of thought and culture we all swim in.

It is likely you are out of alignment with your essence, your genius and your sovereignty.

It is likely you have things you need to heal or clear.

It is likely you have reached some kind of inner limitation, obstacle, thinking process, energy level, belief or frequency and this needs to shift before you can fully realize what you crave to create in the world.

The good news in there is a way to shift these things and move into the new reality you long for…


How do you step out of this?

To step out of one way of being into another requires a range of intentional activations, changes and new realizations across everything from the practical to the energetic.

And you also need to learn how to integrate and embody these shifts so you can maintain them to fully realize the next level of achievement you desire.


Stepping into a new Reality

To step from one way of being into another you need to make space for this change to happen…

If you are so cluttered up with doing “all the things,” or holding everything in your brain, or getting tangled in drama, or you are exhausted, or grasping the reins too tightly…you will be holding yourself back.

One thing you can start to do for yourself is amp up your awareness around how you are presently filling up your time, using your energy, and the space you have available. Then make some conscious choices that will free up some of that time and space for the inflow of change.

It is so much harder for change to happen when there isn’t any space. It is like trying to remodel a house without removing any of the old furniture.

This is just a very small step…but it is a powerful step.


How I can help.

When you want the elevation to be faster, more efficient and ongoing…having someone to ally with will make all the difference…

Here are some elevations my clients have experienced…and they all started with awareness then making space.


Clients moved…

From founder to director/CEO.

From doing “all the things” to leader.

From dealing with drama to simple and easy.

From struggling with anxiety before going on stage to striding up to the microphone with confidence.

From frustration and disappointment to flow and growth.

From micro-manager to trusted advisor.

From playing small to playing bigger and bolder.

From fear to leaps in personal, professional and spiritual development.

From one level of monthly income to another.

From freelancer to entrepreneur.

From business owner to change agent.

From a glass ceiling of income to infinite possibility.

From three employees to twelve employees.


This is possible for you.

The “reality” you are living in now.

The one where you feel constrained, unsatisfied, and where questions about who you are and your purpose on the planet keep you awake at night. The reality where you feel hijacked and disappointed no matter how well you are doing.

Awareness that this reality is not what you want, and that you feel constrained by it…that is the first step on The Sovereign Way…

This awareness…

This burning desire to slough off the old and step into something new…

Without this realization…

You would remain frustrated and filled with doubt caged in your present reality. Nothing would change.

With this realization you are open. You create a state of flux in which change can happen, and you free yourself up to seek a way forward into the reality you want to create for yourself, your loved ones, your audience and the world.

This is a precious and beautiful first step into a deeper state of self-awareness and a simple step on the path to sovereignty..


Now make the space in your life for the change to manifest.

Free up time in your calendar, take time to yourself, work out ways to reduce the hustle…it is in this spaciousness that the next aligned action will appear to help steer you  into a new reality.


And if you want some help to accelerate the process…know I am here.

Love Philippa

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